Tuesday, February 2, 2016

State of the Patreon update!

It's February - !!! - which means that my first month of Patreon pledges are processing, and I just wanted to take a moment to thank those of you who have signed up. After fees and such, it's at a little over $30 a month, which is more than I really expected, and enough to let me buy a few movie tickets or books to review - which means enough to make a small but real difference to me. That amount means we've passed the first two goals - link posts on weekends, as you've been seeing, and a monthly book review, which will start this month. The next goal, at $50, will get you a second review each month (either another book or a movie or show or something else). Want to jump in and help? Find out how here.

And for current patrons - if you have any questions about how your payment is processing, let me know and I'll see what I can see from my end. And if you're at a level that gets you special content, it's in the works and will be coming your way by the 11th. (Oscar Project + New Hampshire primary = TOO MUCH TO DO.) Thank you again!

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